Sunday, 22 September 2013

Knowledge Keeper Quest week#2

     In this blog post I have chosen to briefly explain and expand on a few of the ideas behind some of what was mentioned in week two of this course.
  • What is Game Design?
  • The Game Core.
  • Game Design is not about concepts.
What is Game Design?
     So what is game design? In our online lecture we spoke of two things that would go into the process of designing a game. 
     First we discussed the creation of content and rules of a game. Content which is used to drive players and motivate them to play further. Rules would be used to restrict the players or guide actions carried out by players. Whether it is to maintain order amidst the potential for chaos in a game like World of Warcraft, where pvp is only allowed unless both players have given consent. Imagine how players would deter from the focus of the game if you could just randomly attack other players anywhere. It would be madness, madness worthy of the phrase "THIS IS SPARTA!!!".

     Secondly we moved on to discuss creating oppurtunities for meaningful decisions to be made by the player in game. A simple example of this would be an rpg, where your actions would lead to different foreseeable or unforeseeable outcome. A few examples mentioned in class would be troop placement in an RTS, choosing which piece to move in chess and aiming and firing your weapon in FPS.

The Game Core.
     The game core was described in the lecture as being the one single thing the gameplay is about. It is usually tied to a core mechanic (explained as a particular pattern of play). Basically core statements capture the games vision, for example Uncharted core statement would be adventure and exploration, and a core mechanic in the game would be Drakes ability to jump and climb.

Game Design Is Not About Concepts.
     It is imperative to learn that game design is not about concepts. Designing a game isnt all about brainstorming ideas, a good amount of it is but thats just the begining. the whole process also includes the implementation of this idea or ideas. Just like with cooking, practice makes perfect, the more you work at it the better you'll get meaning that if you do rack up alot of xp in this class you truly will become a game design god.

                                                                                                                         By Oluwatofarati Adegbite.

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